ASP.NET Core PDF Previews and Downloads

ASP.NET Core PDF Previews and Downloads

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before. You spend months working with UI and UX experts, building what you think is the most optimal means of displaying business information. You sit in a meeting with your stakeholders, demoing what...

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Generate Sitemaps for All of ASP.NET Core

Generate Sitemaps for All of ASP.NET Core

While ASP.NET Core is a robust web framework, it lacks some core features that make executing a creative-focused site more straightforward. One of those features is the ability to generate a sitemap. If folks can’t find your content, then for...

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HTMX, ASP.NET Core, and Bootstrap Modals

HTMX, ASP.NET Core, and Bootstrap Modals

If you’ve done any frontend development in the past decade, you’ve likely interacted with Bootstrap, a toolkit focused on providing developers with CSS layout rules and components. Additionally, no frontend toolkit is complete with the accompanying JavaScript to make components...

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